Therapy-Science: San Francisco State University

Welcome to the San Francisco State University Therapy-Science website.

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The latest news from Therapy-Science

NEWStudents and Instructors: Need help getting started? Give the Learning Modules a try.

Both students and instructors can utilize the Learning Module series of activities to help illustrate how data and analysis can be combined with critical thinking to help treat clients. You can gain experience with many of the iGraph™ features while also learning about how to navigate the uncertainty that comes with treating clients in the real world.

Continue reading "NEWStudents and Instructors: Need help getting started? Give the Learning Modules a try."

How-To: Reference Therapy-Science

Over the years there have been several inquiries about how to reference Therapy-Science with respect to the APA style and reference guidelines (link). Therapy-Science exists in a strange place – it has both software components in the iGraph™ functionality as well as elements that can be considered traditional reference material which are utilized to assist with research projects,

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