Therapy-Science News

New Features for February 2018

We’ve been busy over the last few months at Therapy-Science and are pleased to announce two new developments that have been added just this week.

Revised Chapter on Formulating Intervention Plans

Chapter 4 has been rewritten to provide an in-depth discussion on developing robust intervention plans, including developing outcome plans, constructing goals and writing goal statements. Special attention has been paid to developing terminology to facilitate outcome and intervention planning, developing strategic outcome plans and their relationship to intervention planning, as well as reviewing several contemporary goal writing approaches.

Scalable Timeline

The horizontal (X) axis that displays time-related intervals (sessions, days, weeks) has been improved to automatically adjust the scale to visually compensate for a large number of sessions (greater than 42). This will enable you to display an entire year of data on a single graph, and makes it easier to employ a periodic treatment design approach.